List of speakers

Our distinguished position in Leipzig persuades top-class speakers to follow the invitation to Club International.  A selection of well-known personalities can be found below:

Club Talk

  • Udo van Kampen, former correspondent for ZDF
  • Marcel Reif, sports reporter for ZDF, RTL, SKY
  • Norbert Blüm, Federal Minister of Labor and Social Affairs a.D.
  • Wolfgang Bosbach, longtime CDU politician and lawyer
  • Can Dündar, Turkish journalist, documentary filmmaker and author
  • Prof. Dr. Rita Süssmuth, President of the Bundestag a.D.


  • Prof. e.h. Dr. Klaus-Ewald Holst, Chief Executive Officer VNG Verbundnetz Gas AG a.D.
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart, former Rector of the HHL Graduate School of Management
  • Eva-Maria Stange, Saxon Minister of State for Science and Art
  • Sebastian Gemkow, Saxon Minister of State for Justice
  • Heinz Otto Dürr, Chief Executive Officer of Deutsche Bahn AG, Dürr AG
  • Rüdiger Freiherr von Fritsch, Ambassador of the FRG in Russia
  • Friedrich Merz, former chairman of the CDU / CSU in the Bundestag
  • Thomas de Maizière, Federal Minister a.D
  • Shi Mingde, Chinese Ambassador to Germany a.D.
  • Martin Dulig, Saxon Minister of State for Economics, Labor and Transport
  • Christian Lindner MdB, Federal Chairman of the Free Democrats and Chairman of the Group of Free Democrats in the German Bundestag
  • Ralf Rangnick, Head of Sports and Development Soccer at Red Bull and former sports director and coach at RB Leipzig
  • Gregor Gysi, MdB DIE LINKE.
  • Hildegard Müller, President of the  Automotive Industry Association
  • Karola Wille, Artisistic Director MDR
  • Carsten Schneider, MdB SPD, Federal Government Commissioner for Eastern Germany
  • Mathias Döpfner, CEO Axel Springer
  • Nikola Steinbock, spokesperson for the Board of Directors of the Agricultural Pension Bank
  • Dr. Katrin Leonhardt, Chairwoman of the Board of the Saxon Development Bank
  • Jürgen Hardt, MdB, Foreign Policy Spokesperson CDU/CSU
  • Jean Asselborn, Luxembourg´s former Foreign Minister
  • Sahra Wagenknecht, Party Leader of the Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW)

List of speakers
Version: June 06th, 2023
Rednerliste CI - Kategorien_1.pdf (224.26KB)
List of speakers
Version: June 06th, 2023
Rednerliste CI - Kategorien_1.pdf (224.26KB)