
June 11th, 2024: 27. Proper General Meeting

June 5th, 2024: Opera Leipzig "Lady Macbeth"

June 4th, 2024: Sahra Wagenknecht 

May 17th - 20th, 2024: ClubOnTour in Bulgaria

May 14th, 2024: WineTasting in cooperation with Winery Hey and GOURMÉTAGE

May 12th, 2024: Business SpeedDating HC Leipzig

April 30th, 2024: "Dance into May"

April 19th - 20th, 2024: ClubonTour "Havelberg" - Rading with Prof. Dr. Gabriele Krone-Schmalz

April 16th, 2024: ClubTalk with Jean Asselborn and Udo van Kampen

April 12th, 2024: BusinessBreakfast presented by ProNoblis AG

March 12th, 2024: Jürgen Hardt, MdB, CDU/CSU

March 1st, 2024: BusinessBreakfast presented by Bank Julius Bär Deutschland AG

February 28th, 2024: LadiesLunch with Vivian Honert-Boddin

February 21st, 2024: Nikola Steinbock und Dr. Katrin Leonhardt

January 26th, 2024: BusinessBreakfast presented by Steinwerk Friedeburg GmbH

January 16th, 2024: WelcomeLounge

January 11th, 2024: EnglishLounge with ITTF Foundation

December 14th, 2023: Club-Xmas

November 24th, 2023: Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner

November 21st, 2023: “Investment models and payment formats in times

of economic uncertainty”

November 14th, 2023: Prof. Dr. med. Sandra Eifert and Dr. med. Suzann Kirschner-Brouns

November 1st, 2023: Mathias Döpfner, CEO Axel Springer SE

Oktober 26th,  2023: Vernissage "Connected Structures II"

October 25th, 2023: Professors' welcome of the Universität Leipzig

Oktober 24th, 2023: Reading with Anna Lichtenstein

October 23rd 2023: EnglishLounge with Stephen L. Braun

October 19th, 2023: Clubonspot at restaurant Falco**

October 17th, 2023: ClubTalk with Udo van Kampen

and Prof. Dr. Siegfried Russwurm, president BDI

September 22th, 2023: BusinessBreakfast
presented by philoro EDELMETALLE GmbH

September 19th, 2023: Alexander Rahr, Chairman of the Eurasien Gesellschaft e.V.

August 31th 2023: Summer party

July 5th, 2023: ClubLounge "Beer & BBQ"


June 30th, 2023: BusinessBreakfast presented by HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management 

June 27th, 2023: Prof. Dr. Bernd Gerken

June 22th, 2023: EnglishLounge with Dr. Philipp Hunnekuhl

June 20th, 2023: Club meets StartUps

June 15th, 2023: "Farewell Talk" with U.S. Consul General, Ken Toko

June 10th, 2023: Clubonspot Konsum Leipzig Dance Festival

May 27th - 30th, 2023: ClubonTour - Malta

May 25th, 2023: Clubonspot - Golfakademie Hufeisensee

May 24th, 2023: LadiesLunch with Renate Fischer (MEIN FISCHER) 

May 4th, 2023: Carsten Schneider, MdB, SPD

April 27th, 2023: "Leipzig liest" with Hans-Ulrich Jörges and Axel Vormbäumen

April 24th, 2023: 26th Members' Meeting

April 20th, 2023: ClubontheSpot "Saxon Development Bank"

April 13th, 2023: Gregor Gysi, MdB, DIE LINKE.

April 4th, 2023: ClubLounge Members design programme

March 29th, 2023: EnglishLounge presented by Lancaster University Leipzig

March 28th, 2023: EnglishLounge presented by Lancaster University Leipzig

March 16th, 2023: Hildegard Müller, President of the VDA

March 1st, 2023: Bijan Djir-Sarai - FDP General Secretary

#February 09th, 2023: Major General Wolfgang Wien - Vice president of BND

January 31th, 2023: ClubTalk with Bettina Schausten

January 24th, 2023: Major General Michael A. Hochwart

January 19th, 2023: New year's WelcomeLounge

December 16th, 2022: Christmas Celebration

December 8th, 2022: ClubLounge mit Philipp Hartewig

"Football in the shadow of its own World Cup"

December 3rd, 2022: Conversation with Uwe Tellkamp & Neo Rauch

November 29th, 2022: Prof. Dr. Inés Obergfell, schoolmaster of the Universität Leipzig

November 25th, 2022: BusinessBreakfast, presented by NÜTHEN Restaurierungen GmbH + Co. KG

November 24th, 2022: Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner, 

together with the International Women´s Club of Leipzig

November 09th, 2022: Tasting with the Leipziger Spirituosenmanufaktur

November 03rd, 2022: Peter Conze, Transparency International

October 25th, 2022: talk with author Angela Krauß, together with the Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

October 12th, 2022: Dr. Stephan Lowis - Presentation about energy transition in East Germany

September 24th, 2022: 27th Leipzig Opera Ball

September 13th, 2022: Panel discussion with Linda Teuteberg MdB and Dr Burkhart Veigel

(contemporary witness and bearer of the Federal Cross of Merit)
Cooperation event with the Wilhelm-Külz-Foundation

September 2nd, 2022: Business Breakfast presented by KAPPIS GRUPPE

July 14th, 2022: Summer festival „Bonjour Été“

July 1st, 2022: Political salon with Dr. jur. Gregor Gysi

June 24th, 2022: Business Breakfast presented by ucmleipzig and RKW Architektur+

June 22th, 2022:  30th anniversary of the town twinning of Leipzig and Houston

June 16th, 2022: Germany - Quo Vadis? Vol. 3

June 14th, 2022: ClubOnTour - Elbweiderind

May 7th, 2022: ClubOnTour in London

April 12th, 2022: ClubTalk with Hubert Seipel

April 6th, 2022: Wine-Tasting "France"

March 17th, 2022: Reading Christian Meyer-Landrut

March 10th, 2022: Generalmajor Hochwarth

March 8th, 2022: Carolin Mansur

March 1st, 2022: Thomas Krüger

December 19th, 2021: Winter Walk

November 11th, 2021: LadiesLunch with Hannah Suppa

November 9th, 2021: Reading by Carolin Wilms

,,Sind wir uns wirklich einig?"

October 30th, 2021: 26th Leipzig Opera Ball